Can I Use Tea Tree Oil for Yeast Infections?

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Before we dive into wheter tea tree oil is effective for yeast infection or not, let’s learn:

What Causes Yeast Infections

There are a few known causes of yeast infections, such as:

*Taking antibiotics.
*Hormone therapy.
*Disease such as HIV or diabetes.

The natural solution

The most common yeast infections are usually confined to the vaginal region, but can also affect the lower abdominal area, the digestive tract, beneath a woman’s breasts, and even under their nail beds. Many remedies are available for this infection, such as Yeast Infection No More (Free video), but one of the treatments usually recommended to use is tea tree oil. Unlike other medications tea tree oil does not contain any harmful chemicals and is rarely known to cause side effects, if ever.

The reason tea tree oil is so effective is that it contains terpinen, which can kill the fungus that causes the infection. Tea tree oil is highly effective and can be used with a number of different ingredients. It is recommended to dilute this substance before using, as it is very potent. The main side effects of using undiluted tea tree oil, and they are rare, are skin irritation and a minor bit of swelling depending on what part of your body it makes contact with. As this oil is very potent it is also recommended to not ingest it or get it in your eyes. I can also recommend using it in combination with coconut oil for yeast infection.

How to use tea tree oil as a yeast infection treatment

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Tea tree oil is very useful to treat yeast infections and can be mixed with a large number of ingredients to produce the desired result. Such ingredients include alcohol, baking soda, water, garlic, aloe vera, mouthwash, honey, and even chamomile tea bags.

The application of the tea tree oil is as varied as the ingredients that can be used, and can involve:

  • adding the ingredients to a warm bath and soaking for 20 minutes.
  • applying directly to the infected area and letting it sit for no more than 5 to 7 minutes before removing it.
  • using the mixture as a douche once a week.
  • applying the mixture and leaving it on overnight.

It is wise to consult a doctor and learn which substances are best for each method. The benefits of this treatment will come gradually but will serve to balance out the body and kill off the offending fungus.


With every treatment there are always a few cautionary details to consider, and with tea tree oil it is no different. Despite its proven track record there are a few warnings that doctors will want you to know, such as:

  • This treatment is not for use on those under 6 years of age due to its potency.
  • If the itching and irritation worsens after the treatment then discontinue it immediately.
  • Though it is rare, it is recommended to test your skin before applying tea tree oil to see if you are allergic.
  • During treatments be sure to wear loose clothing that allows the body to move naturally. Make sure you are fully dry before wearing anything.
  • If the treatment is not working then consult a doctor.

Tea tree oil has other health benefits as well, and can be used to help with yeast infection. If you are looking for a very good cure that’s been used by thousands of women around all parts of the world, be sure to check out this Free video Yeast Infection No More. It’ll help you learn what you must know about yeast infections and what to do about, naturally.

Have any thoughts or comments? Maybe you’ve tried this solution and it worked? Let’s hear about it, other will appreciate it as well!

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